Massimo FRANCO is Full Professor of Management Studies and Human Resources Management and Vice Director of the Department of Political Science at University Federico II of Naples. He teaches Corporate Management Systems at the Italian Military Aeronautical Academy in Pozzuoli (Na).

Teaches under-graduate, graduate and Ph.D. courses in management studies, organizational behavior, teambuilding, team management and human resource development. I.T.P. – International Teachers Program, at the International School of Business Management. Member of the Board ASSIOA – Associazione Italiana di Organizzazione Aziendale – Association of Italian Organizations Studies Academics. Founder member of Arethuse – Association des Rencontres Economiques Thematiques des Universites du South de Europe IERSO Universitè Bordeaux France. He was Vice Rector for Budget of the University of Molise and Director Organization and Team Management Laboratory.

Massimo Franco has been visiting professor at several universities and is member of many domestic and international editorial boards, organizations and academic associations. He has published several books and numerous papers as author and co-author. His current research interests and publications focus on
team based organizations, teamwork and teambuilding, leadership, employee motivation, knowledge management and competences, new technologies, healthcare management, well-being and distress in organizations.

Contact information:
prof. Massimo FRANCO
Department of Political Science – University Federico II of Napoli – via Mezzocannone, 4 – 80134 Napoli – ITALY
Phone: +39 081 2534086 – Fax +39 081 2534061
Email: – Website:
Personal – Skype ID: massimofra
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